8 Bit Ripple Carry Addition Subtraction
First we will make 1-bit full adder
/////Verilog code for 1-bit full adder
module full_adder(S, Cout, A, B, Cin);
output S, Cout;
input A, B, Cin;
wire w1,w2,w3;
Now we will make 8-bit adder subtractor module
=>>> For addition put M=0
=>>> For subtraction put M=1
///// Verilog code for 8-bit adder subtractor
module adder_8(S, Cout, A, B, M);
output wire[7:0] S;
output wire Cout;
input wire [7:0] A, B;
input wire M;
wire [7:0] R;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7;
xor (R[0],B[0],M);
xor (R[1],B[1],M);
xor (R[2],B[2],M);
xor (R[3],B[3],M);
xor (R[4],B[4],M);
xor (R[5],B[5],M);
xor (R[6],B[6],M);
xor (R[7],B[7],M);
full_adder FA1(S[0],w1,A[0],R[0],M);
full_adder FA2(S[1],w2,A[1],R[1],w1);
full_adder FA3(S[2],w3,A[2],R[2],w2);
full_adder FA4(S[3],w4,A[3],R[3],w3);
full_adder FA5(S[4],w5,A[4],R[4],w4);
full_adder FA6(S[5],w6,A[5],R[5],w5);
full_adder FA7(S[6],w7,A[6],R[6],w6);
full_adder FA8(S[7],Cout,A[7],R[7],w7);
//// Test bench for 8-bit adder subtractor module
module add_sub_8bit_tb;
// Inputs
reg [7:0] A;
reg [7:0] B;
reg M;
// Outputs
wire [7:0] S;
wire Cout;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
adder_8 uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
A = 01111011;
B = 01111000;
M = 0; //// M=0 for addition
A = 11111011;
B = 11111000;
M = 1; //// M=1 subtraction
A = 01000011;
B = 01101100;
M = 0; //// M=0 for addition
A = 11000011;
B = 01111111;
M = 1; //// M=1 subtraction
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
////// Output
module adder_8(S, Cout, A, B, M);
output wire[7:0] S;
output wire Cout;
input wire [7:0] A, B;
input wire M;
wire [7:0] R;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7;
xor (R[0],B[0],M);
xor (R[1],B[1],M);
xor (R[2],B[2],M);
xor (R[3],B[3],M);
xor (R[4],B[4],M);
xor (R[5],B[5],M);
xor (R[6],B[6],M);
xor (R[7],B[7],M);
full_adder FA1(S[0],w1,A[0],R[0],M);
full_adder FA2(S[1],w2,A[1],R[1],w1);
full_adder FA3(S[2],w3,A[2],R[2],w2);
full_adder FA4(S[3],w4,A[3],R[3],w3);
full_adder FA5(S[4],w5,A[4],R[4],w4);
full_adder FA6(S[5],w6,A[5],R[5],w5);
full_adder FA7(S[6],w7,A[6],R[6],w6);
full_adder FA8(S[7],Cout,A[7],R[7],w7);
//// Test bench for 8-bit adder subtractor module
module add_sub_8bit_tb;
// Inputs
reg [7:0] A;
reg [7:0] B;
reg M;
// Outputs
wire [7:0] S;
wire Cout;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
adder_8 uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
A = 01111011;
B = 01111000;
M = 0; //// M=0 for addition
A = 11111011;
B = 11111000;
M = 1; //// M=1 subtraction
A = 01000011;
B = 01101100;
M = 0; //// M=0 for addition
A = 11000011;
B = 01111111;
M = 1; //// M=1 subtraction
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
////// Output